Know about the different measurement units for measuring land size in India
Aadil Saif 18 March 2020
There are several terms and conditions across various states of India for measuring the land and its area. All the terms are mentioned in the documents, and the units are the important aspect of defining the area of the land. Some of the common land measurement units available are square meters, square yards, hectares, acre measurement units, and others. These are a few of the units widely used across India. The units used are differentiated as per the regions. For example, in the North region of India, Marla & Bigha are commonly used for measuring the lands. Guntha, Cent as well as the ground are units of South. As per the practical norms, the units and their sizes do vary from state to state.
Know the difference between the ground and the plot
The plot is the area of the land that is put up for sale. It is not the whole area but a small part of it that is designated for buying or selling. The ground is defined as the land area that measures above 2400 sq. ft. The ground is divided into different plots and is categorized into layouts. These layouts are defined in the units of square feet as well as the ground.
Common units of land measurements and their conversion rates in India
Here are some of the popular measurement units in India that are used popularly in different states of India. Below is the detail of area units along with their conversion.
- One square feet is converted to 144 sq in.
- One square centimetre is equal to 0.00107639 sq. ft.
- One square inch is equal to 0.0069444 sq. ft.
- One square kilometre is equal to 247.1 acres
- One square meter is equal to 10.76391042 sq. ft.
- One square mile is equal to 640 acres as well, as 259 hectares.
- One square yard is equal to 9 sq. ft.
- One acre is equal to 4840 sq. Yd. and is also termed as 100.04 cents. It is one of the most standard units used for measuring lands in most states of India.
- One hectare is equal to 10000 sq. m. and can also be converted to 2.49 acres. It is an approximate conversion rate of acres.
The standard rate of measurements of farmland
Farm Lands are usually measured in the hectares, square yard, acres, and others. Some of the farmlands in the rural areas use Bigha, Biswa, and other such measurement units. The conversion rates are also considered equally for giving land to farmers at a reasonable rate.
What is the land measuring unit for agricultural lands?
The agricultural lands are usually measured in the unit of a hectare. One hectare is equivalent to the square area. One side of the square measures 100 meters for the agricultural lands. Some of the agricultural land measurement units in different villages are measured in Gingham, Bigha, and others. The use of hectare for measuring agricultural lands began back in the year 1795. The unit hectare is globally recognized by the International System of Units and is widely preferred in rural areas. Some other popular units used for measuring the agricultural lands are acres, square miles, square kilometers, and others. The square measurement guidelines are:
- 1 hectare is equal to 2.5 acres
- 1 acre is equal to 40 Gunthas
- One Guntha is equal to 121 sq. yards that are equal to 101.17 sq. meters.
- One Guntha is also equal to 1089 sq. feet
- One acre is equal to 4840 sq. yards.
- One acre is equal to 43,560 sq. feet as well as 4067.23 sq. meter.
- One sq. yard is equal to 0.8361 sq. metre
These are just a few of the conversion mediums for measuring the agricultural lands.
How to find the area in your property?
A big land for either commercial or residential application is categorized and divided into several residential plots and commercial sectors. They are divided into parks, roads, hospitals, schools, markets, and many other amenities. The layout sketch determines the size and area of the land. The layout sketch consists of all the essential details to identify the size of the land and its width. If one is selling the property or the land, then the information about its area and size is determined in the sale deed document.
The sale deed is the essential document that is legal proof that states your ownership of the land and property. All the residential properties are measured in the units of square feet. One can also use land measurement converter online to get the exact value without hassles. The agricultural lands are measured mostly in the units of Acres or Hectares. By multiplying the length and the width of the land, you can determine the exact size of it.
Measurement units of different states in North of India
The unit of measurements is categorized depending upon different states of India. Below are the units of land measurement for the states in the North of India.
- One Bigha-Pucca is used in the states of Punjab, UP as well as Haryana.
- One Bigha is most popularly used in some parts of Uttarakhand & Himachal Pradesh. Bigha-Kachha is considered as one-third of the Bigha-Pucca. It is most commonly used in the regions of UP, Haryana, and Punjab.
- One biswa-Pucca is used in UP and Punjab.
- One biswa is used in Uttarakhand.
- One Biswansi is used in UP, Haryana, Punjab, and others.
- One Killa is used in some parts of Punjab and Haryana
Measurement units of land in South India
Here are some of the Indian land measurement units in South India.
- Ankanam- Karnataka, AP
- Cent- Kerala, Karnataka
- Ground- Tamil Nadu
- Guntha- AP, Karnataka
- Kuncham-AP
Measurement units of Land in East India
Here are some of the units used for land measurement in East India:
- Chatak- West Bengal
- Decimal- West Bengal
- Dhur- Jharkhand & Bihar
- Dhur- Tripura
- Kattha- Assam, Bengal, Bihar
- Lecha- Assam
Measurement units of Land in West India
Here are some of the Indian measurement Units in West India:
- Bigha- some parts of Rajasthan, Bihar, Gujarat
- Biswa- Rajasthan
- Biswansi- Rajasthan
Here are a few of the genuine information on the units for land measurement in India. You can use a land area measurement app for determining the land size in your desirable unit by sitting at home. You just need to feed in some details to get accurate information about your land size and measurement.
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